
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Anal Arguments

Me: So what do you have against anal sex?

She: I just don't want to do it...

Me: Bah...where's your sense of adventure? What about sexual experimentation?

She: Ha! How about this then? How about I stick a dildo up your ass and see how you like it?

Me: Really? That would interest you?

She: About as much as you sticking someing up my ass.

Me: Alright then. And as a sign of good faith, I'll even let you stick me first. But in all honesty, as soon as you're done, I'm going to stick you right back the same way you got me.

She: ..........

Me: What? Isn't that fair? I'm even letting you go first so that you know I won't poke and run....

She: Okay....I really don't know what to say at this point...how about we change the subject....

Point - Set - Match! Winner: Me