
Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I know, it's an old topic really. But what I don't get is why people would "hate the black man". There are a tonne of things that "the black man" has done to help us "the white man" out. They pick our cotton. They work our fields. They make sure that our prisons aren't underpopulated and our police aren't without work. They make sure that our slums have residents. They make sure that our day-time talk shows are humourous with all "da babies daddies" you could ever want. They make sure that we don't have a surplus of corn, watermelon, and fried chicken. They keep drug rings in business. Hell, they even fight our unwanted wars. And what do they get? They get told they're inferior; unintelligent; a slave race with dicks the size of a three-year old's arm holding a grapefruit.

But "the black man" deserves our praise. Because without them who would date all the fat white chicks?

Baby's got back!