
Sunday, April 29, 2007

not even a week to go

It's good to have friends.

Friends who will apprently miss you.

So they take you out and give you booze.

Shit, it's almost like they hope to never see me again.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

They call me Greyhound cause I'm all ribs and wang

Looks like I get to return to Vancouver...for about 2 hours on the 5th of May. I always wanted to get back to Vancity but 2 hours won't even get it justice.

Basically I'm looking at Toronto to Vancouver - Vancouver to Tokyo - Tokyo to Manila.

Drinks at the Vancity airport anyone...from about 11am to 1pm

Monday, April 23, 2007


6 to 8 weeks in the Philippines.

Leaving May 5th.

Anyone else want to tell me how I'm going to die and or get kidnapped?

Friday, April 20, 2007


So time is getting short. I need to make appointments for immunizations for diseases I never even thought of. Yellow Fever, Hep A and B (of course), Typhoid...rabies...even Malaria and Menigococcus.

Right now though I'm getting books together for my 18-20 hour flight.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

This is going to hurt...

Looks like I'm going to be leaving Canada for 6 weeks (minimum) in a foreign country.

Nothing like immunization...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mind Games

Guy says apple.

Girl may hear apple, may even see apple...yet she still thinks orange.

Time goes on. Guy says apple and girl still thinks orange.

Conflicts occur with guy sticking to his guns- APPLE. Girl starts to possibly think apple yet still comes up with ORANGE and even starts to think Guy is starting to think ORANGE.

Then the fight of fight happens. Girl says ORANGE and guy maintains APPLE...apologizes for ORANGE yet still maintains APPLE....APPLE, APPLE, FUCKING APPLE!

What gets me is why people get accused of playing mind games. When Guy says Apple and Girl thinks Orange how is that the Guy's fault. Apparently it is.

And you just can't compare apples to oranges...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Passing through

I remember once that I worked with this girl. Off the top of my head I can remember her name was Emily though her last name escapes me and was probably something like Schofield, or Shneider, or whatever. Emily and I worked together at a dead end summer job. We'd get to talking and yadda yadda yadda while we worked and seemed to get along together quite well. I even drove her home a few times after work. She lived downtown in an apartment over some shop with her dad and her brother. Once I even got the balls enough to ask her for her number. Surprisingly enough she actually gave it to me. It took a couple days but I actually did call her with the intention to ask her out. Oddly enough I never got that far. When she answered and I told her who I was she laughed a bit which I chalked up to her being nervous. Then she said something which I honestly haven't forgotten, "I'm so sorry, but if I thought you'd actually call I wouldn't have given you my number."

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Just when you think you have it all sorted out....

That's the exact moment you realize that you're colour blind...

And that means you're fucked

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hello Sunshine

It's trying to snow again.

I even had to brush off a thin layer off of my car last night after work.

Three cheers for global warming!