
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What's the big deal

So many people are up in arms. Oh the controversy! Not our boy wizard! Oh my god, how could he? My son saw this picture and was really confused.

Or at least that's what you'd hear on the news.

Show the same picture to a group of women that I work with - all old enough to be mothers (so 14 - 58 considering where I live but they're not allowed to work where I work till they're at least 16 or 17 so they already have toddlers - but I digress) then you hear sentences that will make a sailor blush. I've heard rude comments before and have even said some....but holy shit are women worse than I've ever been.

And they say that I was guilty of sexual harrassment...

***EDIT*** Apparently Photobucket didn't like the pic so they took it away....